Got an Email List That Isn’t Converting?

Good News: You Already Have the Required Tools for a Fast ROI

Let’s be honest–you’re not here to get to know me (not yet, anyways). You’re here to see how I can help you.

So first let’s talk about you. You are: 

  • A successful business owner who’s graduated from solopreneur to a small, thriving team

  • You have an established brand voice that you’re proud of

  • You have an email list that you sporadically check in with (so your conversions and open rates aren’t where you want them to be)

  • You or your team don’t have the experience or bandwidth to engage with your email list often…and you know it’s costing you opportunities ($$)

  • You love injecting your personality into your copy and hate sounding pushy or salesey

No one likes to get ghosted. At the rate your business is growing, you can’t afford to neglect your email list.

Because your focus has been elsewhere, you’re a longtime sufferer of Blinking Cursor Syndrome: the massive writer’s block (and panic) you get whenever you try to plan out your email content or even send a quick email to your list. What am I supposed to say? How long is too long? What if it’s too short? Do people actually read emails (spoiler: they read the good ones)?

AND not to mention the nuances that come with building and maintaining a list–the strategy, list cleaning, segmentation, split testing, and analytics–there aren’t enough hours in the day for you to do it yourself. 

Mira, let me help you.

I would 10/10 recommend [MEO Marketing Group] to those who need guidance on their storytelling and their email sequences. I was in a pinch and needed a copywriter fast and Melissa delivered. Great content, listened to my needs and executed flawlessly! I have noticed a higher open rate and retention rate of subscribers (not a lot of unsubscribes). Thank you for everything!”

— Andria, Babe + Bud

MEO Marketing Group is Trusted by:

conversion copywriter

I’m Melissa, your conversion copywriter & email marketing strategist

Helping fellow entrepreneurs through the art of words is my passion. As a high-level athlete and the oldest child of Salvadorian immigrants,  I understand pressure. The pressure from your family to succeed, and the pressure within yourself to outperform and continuously set the bar higher. 

I live and breathe marketing: it’s what I do for a living and it’s what I study and read up on in my free time (I know I know–I need a new hobby that isn’t rugby). I’m fascinated by the psychology and strategy that goes into writing effective copy and creating marketing plans.

Your email list is powerful. Underutilizing it is not only costing you opportunities to deepen your relationship with your subscribers, it’s also costing you $$$. You’re not in the business of selling to everyone because you know the potency of being super clear on the people you do want to attract while being yourself. But if they don’t remember who you are or why they subscribed to you in the first place, they’ll unsubscribe when they don’t see value in what you do. 

Email marketing is a lucrative revenue stream that can transform your business when primed the right way–with engaging emails that convert because they sound like you and are constantly optimized.

An active, engaged email list will take you from:

  • Ghosting your prospects → showing up as a trusted expert

  • Low open and conversion rates → more revenue 

  • Haphazard emails with no structure → automated emails that speak with empathy

  • Stressing over nurturing your list → relief that a pro has it handled

The problem? Email marketing is time-consuming to learn and implement

You know as well as I do that showing up as an expert online is part of the game. But if the ‘Gram and Facebook disappeared tomorrow, would you lose all your prospects? Or would they be tucked away inside your email list? 

89% of Americans check their email at least once a day.* Now imagine tapping into that market and seeing almost immediate results in the analytics. Whether you’re launching a new offer, talking about your services, or giving an update, your emails are where your #1 fans go when they want to dissect your content.

Only 10% of your audience sees your content on social media.** With all the work you put into optimizing your hashtags and batching content, it’s discouraging that most people won’t see your hard work. That’s why an engaged email list is an incredible resource. 

As a copywriter and email marketing strategist I can gift you the time and relief that comes with handing off your list to an expert.

conversion copywriter for coaches

Introducing: The Sprint

Done-for-you email copy, marketing strategy, and email list management for coaches, course creators, and online service providers who want to increase their impact with more conversions

I use my signature 5R framework to analyze what’s working, what isn’t, and what can be improved before creating a marketing plan specific to your business and goals. There are so many factors that go into an effective campaign–by constantly testing your copy and taking a look at the analytics we can optimize each piece. 

Whether we’re working on a re-engagement campaign, a new welcome sequence, or on a retainer basis, you’ll walk away with:

  • Clarity on your strategy 

  • A reliable income stream + more leads 

  • Analytics data 

  • An engaged list of subscribers who trust you

Your goals aren’t out of reach. They just need the right strategy.

“I felt like the words were coming from me. Melissa does a phenomenal job stepping into your shoes and creating compelling copy that feels like you and is on-brand. It is thoughtful, refined, carefully constructed with your goals in mind and exactly what you envisioned.”

Bhumika, The Writer Eats

Here’s the gameplan for this package:

Research intensive + the history of you

I love getting to know my clients and seeing what makes them light up. In the first phase of our project I take the time to learn about you, your business, and your goals. I dive into your offers and your niche to learn how to emulate your voice and pinpoint what makes you stand out. 

Assembling your copy & marketing plan

Here, I create a brief with the cadence for the campaign and a marketing plan that we’ll review during your Strategy Session. If we’re on a retainer basis we meet once a month to discuss the prior campaign and the data so we can adjust as needed and continue to improve. If it’s a one-time project we’ll have a debriefing meeting after the copy has gone live.

List management & analytics

A lot of copywriters will write copy but won’t upload it to your email service provider or keep track of the analytics. I do both and also manage your list, which includes cleaning up inactive subscribers and segmenting. A lean active list is much better than a large inactive one–you only want to keep your biggest fans around.

sales copywriter

“Melissa is an absolute joy to work with! Working together was an extremely smooth and easy collaboration process. I really appreciated how Melissa provided feedback and recommendations not only to our project but on my business as a whole. She's one of a kind. Melissa has played a key role in how my brand will be displayed to my target audience.”

— Feuna Shahbazian

Not only do you get full-service email marketing, this is what truly sets this offer apart:

🧨 Quarterly marketing plans with customized strategy 

🧨 Split testing for every campaign 

🧨 Upload and design of emails to your email service provider of choice

🧨 Full list management including audits, scheduling, and automation 

🧨 Quarterly strategy breakdowns or a debrief session 

🧨 Up to 8 emails per monthly campaign

conversion copywriter for online service providers

Rugby Player & Entrepreneur

I’m not physically intimidating. I’m 5’3” and 115 pounds and one of the most introverted people you’ll ever meet. As much as I’d love to be a hard hitter I’m too small, but that’s never stopped me from playing and still doing well.  

Rugby is one of the great loves of my life. I’ve hurt just about everything in my body so our relationship hasn’t always been great (I’ve been called Bad Luck Melissa 🥴) but I’ve never lost my love for the sport or the lessons it has taught me. 

This sport has taught me to stand up for myself, to push my mind and body to the limit, and to go for it even when I’m not sure I’ll succeed. These lessons have shaped my business model and have allowed me to lead with confidence in myself and my abilities. 

I founded MEO Marketing Group with you in mind. By combining my passions with yours,  I assemble copy that walks like you and talks like you. I utilize research-driven data and combine it with creative storytelling and sales psychology to help you stand out and bring conversions.

You’ve worked hard to build your business to the point it’s at today.That deserves a celebration 🍾. You should work on the things that you enjoy in your business, you’ve earned it. Allow me to help you continue to grow. 

“Melissa is an absolutely brilliant copywriting talent. Very professional onboarding process and work collaboration. I actually learned more [about myself] and was reminded about why I started my business and why I wanted to serve [others]. Melissa really captured powerful sales copy with her creative writing, personalized to speak to my clients in a way that was non-generic, capturing my persona with her words.”

— Aaliyah, Bossnetts

How can we work together? I’m glad you asked

Application + inquiry call  

Submit your application and schedule your Inquiry Call. There we’ll discuss where you’re at currently with your email marketing and decide if we should team up.

Onboarding questionnaire + research intensive 

Your only homework assignment that serves as the basis of my research. I’ll also be knee-deep into your niche and offers to make sure we hit our mark. 

Strategy Session + marketing plan & brief

Our project officially kicks off during the Strategy Session where we’ll discuss any questions, clarify your goals, and you’ll review and approve your marketing plan and email brief with the cadence for the campaign. 

Assembling your copy, testing, & analytics 

When your copy is complete and has been reviewed by you, I’ll upload it, schedule it, and keep an eye on the metrics. We’ll adjust the copy as needed and discuss it on a debriefing call (if a one-time project) or during our strategy breakdown, if on a retainer basis.

conversion copywriter for course creators
sales copywriter for coaches

The Sprint Promise

Outsourcing is scary. I know. Most people don’t understand the pressure and constant stress that comes with running your own business, especially when you’re growing. But despite everything life has thrown at you, you’ve managed to create something that’s completely yours. And that’s beautiful. 

Like you, I’m passionate about what I do and pour my love into each and every project I touch. It warms my heart to see my client’s faces light up when they receive their first draft of copy. No amount of AI can capture your essence, your personality, and what makes you uniquely YOU. You’re not meant to be like anyone else–and neither is your copy. 

As a professional copywriter, I promise to give your project my expertise and attention. I want to see you succeed and I’d love to be a part of that experience with you. I can’t guarantee a certain number of conversions because that’s unethical, but I can guarantee that I will use my training and proven techniques to help you get results while never losing your voice, authenticity, and personality. And if something isn’t working how we want it we’ll keep adjusting until we get it right.

MEO Marketing Group assistant

Let’s make sure you’re in the right spot. This is for you if…

You’re an established entrepreneur with a proven offer and a decent sized list. You’ve perfected and tested your offers and know you provide a lot of value–and you need to translate that into your email campaigns. 

You’re ready to leverage your audience without relying on social media. Social media is powerful, but your email list is where the conversions are at when utilized correctly. 

You want deeper connections with your email list. No “sales bro” marketing here: we sell with empathy and strive to nurture relationships. 

You want an expert to handle your email marketing and email list. You know how powerful your list can be and that a professional can take the load off your plate.

Let’s recap real quick. The Sprint package includes:

  • A customized onboarding questionnaire

  • A detailed email brief and marketing plan 

  • A Strategy Session to discuss the questionnaire, your goals, strategy, and project

  • Uploading copy to your email service provider of choice 

  • Management of your ESP of choice

  • Split testing

  • List cleaning and segmentation 

  • Scheduling and automating emails 

  • Up to 8 emails per series 

  • Up to 2 rounds of edits 

  • Quarterly strategy breakdowns (if on a retainer basis) or debriefing call

All yours for $1,800